Pakistan Railway Time Table at Sher Shah Station 2025
Information about Pakistan Railway train timings at Sher Shah Jn railway station information. Sher Shah Railway Station is an important railway station on the main line ML1. It is a railway junction where a branch line splits off and connects to Kundian Junction through Muzaffargarh and Kot Addu. Sher Shah Railway station is located within the limits of Multan district. There is a huge oil depot here which adds to the importance of this small railway station. However Shershah railway station has little importance in terms of passenger traffic. No train passing through the main line has a stop here. While 2 trains going to Rawalpindi via branch line from Multan have stop here. Express and passenger trains run from Sher Shah to different cities of Pakistan daily. Train time information of express passenger trains on Sher Shah Railway station train according to the latest time table of Pakistan railway. Pakistan rail full time table schedule at Sher Shah railway station detail 2025.
Sher Shah Railway Station Trains Timing
Sher Shah Railway Station Train Time Schedule
Famous Pakistani railway train time table schedule of running from Sher Shah railway station towards all major railway station of Pakistani cities, Complete and detail information about Pakistani trains timing and their full detail information. Thal Express and Mehar Express is only train from Sher Shah train station. These trains run every day, that is, seven days a week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.