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Welcome to Website of Chiniot . In this web page you will find useful information about Chaniot District ,Chiniot city and its tehsil .You will find information about the district of Chiniot, it's people, it's culture and many other information

chiniot district

Brief Description of The District Chiniot

Chiniot is a district became the 36th district of the Punjab province of Pakistan in February 2009.Earlier it was a tehsil of Jhang District.It is located on left bank of the Chenab River on the Sargodha to Faisalabad road .Chiniot is best known in the world for its exotic carved furniture. The artisans of the city have perfected the art of wood carving.
Chiniot is located at 31.7200 Latitude and 72.9789 Longitude.
Chiniot is one of the oldest historical towns of Punjab. In ancient times, it was considered amongst one of the most important cities on the trade route form Khyber Pass to Delhi. Alexander the Great had entered the subcontinent through the same route.

Artisans of Chiniot have instinctive good taste and they have achieved a distinctive excellence in woodwork. Masons of the town are said to have been employed during the construction of Taj Mahal at Agra and Golden Temple at Amritsar. Special type of furniture with brightly lacquered woodcarving is made in Chaniot and is famous all over the world

