Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price from All Railway Stations 2025
Information about Pakistan Railway private train Mianwali Express fare table and ticket price from railway station to any other railway stations. Mianwali Express trains run from Mari Indus to Lahore which have stops at few railway stations. Mianwali Express train fare and ticket price of different from all stations to Lahore, Shahdara Bagh, Qila Sheikhupura, Sangla Hil, Shaeenabad, Chiniot, Sargodha, Qaidabad, Khushab, Wanbhacharan, Kundian, Paikhel, Daud Khel and Mari Indus railway stations. Ticket fare price information of Mianwali Express for people who travel from one station to any other railway station. Mianwali Express train fare information form all railway station. Full ticket price , half ticket price , disabled person , elderly old age citizen and child ticket from one Railway station to any other railway station which have stop of Mianwali express. Mianwali express fare ticket price information are according to the latest fare table of Pakistan railway train fare table. Ticket price Economy Class, A.C Business, A.C Standard and AC Parlor car of Mianwali express 2025.
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Lahore
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Sheikhupura |
150/- |
200/- |
840/- |
Sangla Hill |
340/- |
390/- |
840/- |
Chiniot |
460/- |
510/- |
1290/- |
Shaheenabad |
590/- |
640/- |
1410/- |
Sargodha |
650/- |
700/- |
1480/- |
Khushab |
730/- |
780/- |
1750/- |
Kundian |
910/- |
960/- |
1940/- |
Mianwali |
910/- |
960/- |
1940/- |
Daud Khel |
950/- |
1000/- |
2180/- |
Mari Indus |
1010/- |
1060/- |
2390/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Sheikhupura
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Sangla Hill |
210/- |
260/- |
840/- |
Chiniot |
370/- |
420/- |
1230/- |
Shaheenabad |
460/- |
510/- |
1290/- |
Sargodha |
540/- |
590/- |
1410/- |
Khushab |
650/- |
700/- |
1480/- |
Kundian |
850/- |
900/- |
1940/- |
Mianwali |
860/- |
910/- |
1940/- |
Daud Khel |
910/- |
960/- |
1940/- |
Mari Indus |
920/- |
970/- |
2060/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Sangla Hill
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Chiniot |
210/- |
260/- |
840/- |
Shaheenabad |
340/- |
390/- |
840/- |
Sargodha |
370/- |
420/- |
1230/- |
Khushab |
460/- |
510/- |
1290/- |
Kundian |
690/- |
740/- |
1680/- |
Mianwali |
730/- |
780/- |
1750/- |
Daud Khel |
850/- |
900/- |
1940/- |
Mari Indus |
850/- |
900/- |
1940/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Chiniot
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Shaheenabad |
160/- |
210/- |
840/- |
Sargodha |
250/- |
300/- |
840/- |
Khushab |
360/- |
410/- |
1100/- |
Kundian |
590/- |
640/- |
1410/- |
Mianwali |
630/- |
680/- |
1480/- |
Daud Khel |
690/- |
740/- |
1680/- |
Mari Indus |
730/- |
780/- |
1750/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Sargodha
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Shaheenabad |
120/- |
170/- |
840/- |
Khushab |
160/- |
210/- |
840/- |
Kundian |
390/- |
440/- |
1230/- |
Mianwali |
420/- |
470/- |
1230/- |
Daud Khel |
570/- |
620/- |
1410/- |
Mari Indus |
570/- |
620/- |
1410/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Khushab
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Shaheenabad |
250/- |
300/- |
840/- |
Kundian |
290/- |
340/- |
840/- |
Mianwali |
360/- |
410/- |
1100/- |
Daud Khel |
390/- |
440/- |
1230/- |
Mari Indus |
420/- |
470/- |
1230/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Price Pakistan From Kundian
Station Name |
Economy Seat |
Economy Brith |
A.C Standard |
Shaheenabad |
460/- |
510/- |
1290/- |
Mianwali |
120/- |
170/- |
840/- |
Daud Khel |
160/- |
210/- |
840/- |
Mari Indus |
210/- |
260/- |
840/- |
Mianwali Express Train Ticket Fare Price 2025
Pakistani railway train 147 Up and 148 Down Mianwali Express train station wise fare on all stop railway station of Pakistan, mianwali express travel daily from both sides. It have same schedule and fare for each day of week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Complete and detail information about Mianwali Express trains up and down side ticket fare and full ticket price detail information. Fare of Air-condition Business ticket price from one to other stations. We gather Mianwali Express latest fare information carefully from reliable sources but human error possible so these are information are general purpose only. Please contact nearest railway booking SSR Group office / Railway Station for exact latest fare of Mianwali Express train. Mianwali Express Time Table