Pind Dadan Khan Shuttle Time Table 2025
PDK Shuttle-I train timings in detail information on all stops. PDK Shuttle-I , Shuttle-II & Shuttle-III are Shuttle trains run between Pind Dadn Khan and Malakwal Jn daily. PDK Shuttle train timings 2025 on all stops of train according to the latest time table of Pakistan railway. PDK Shuttle-I full time table , stop information and stoppage detail of latest Pakistan railway latest train time table December 2022.
PDK Shuttle-I 1 Up Pind Dadn Khan To Malakwal Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Pind Dadn Khan |
Start |
08:50 |
Haranpur Jn |
09:09 |
09:10 |
Malakwal Jn |
09:25 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-II 3 Up Pind Dadn Khan To Malakwal Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Pind Dadn Khan |
Start |
11:30 |
Haranpur Jn |
11:49 |
11:50 |
Malakwal Jn |
12:05 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-III 5 Up Pind Dadn Khan To Malakwal Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Pind Dadn Khan |
Start |
16:00 |
Haranpur Jn |
16:20 |
16:21 |
Malakwal Jn |
16:35 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-I 2 Down Lalamusa To Pind Dadn Khan Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Malakwal Jn |
Start |
08:05 |
Haranpur Jn |
08:19 |
08:21 |
Pind Dadn Khan |
08:40 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-II 4 Down Lalamusa To Pind Dadn Khan Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Malakwal Jn |
Start |
10:45 |
Haranpur Jn |
10:59 |
11:00 |
Pind Dadn Khan |
11:20 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-III 6 Down Lalamusa To Pind Dadn Khan Timings
Stop |
Arrival |
Departure |
Malakwal Jn |
Start |
15:00 |
Haranpur Jn |
15:14 |
15:15 |
Pind Dadn Khan |
15:35 |
End |
PDK Shuttle-I is a local Pakistani Shuttle train run between Lalamusa to Pind Dadn Khan via Haranpur. According to the Pakistan Railway train numbers PDK Shuttle-I and PDK Shuttle-II .This train take approximately 30 minutes to complete its journey of 19 K.M . PDK Shuttle-I and PDK Shuttle-II have only Second class in it.