Information About Attock
Information and Facts about
District Attock . Useful information about Attock.
Population |
18883556 (Census
2025) |
Area (Square Kilometers) |
6857 |
Population Density (per sq.Km.) |
277 |
Literacy Rate |
49.3 % (U-70. R-44) |
Tehsils |
6 |
National Assembly Seats |
3 |
Punjab Assembly Seats |
5 |
Union Councils |
72 |
Police Stations |
14 |
Main Cities and Towns |
Attock , Jand , Hasan
Abdal,Fateh Jang , Pindi Ghaib and Hazro |
Language |
"Punjabi and Hindko" is the local language, Urdu, Saraiki
& English languages are also acceptable. |
Main Crops |
Wheat, Sugarcane and Cotton. |
Main Vegetables |
Onion, Carrot, Cauliflower and Peas |