Wafaqi Mohtasib of Pakistan Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi
Ejaz AhmEd Qureshi is the current Wafaqi Mohtasib of Pakistan. Prime Minister Imran Khan appointed Ijaz Ahmad Qureshi as a Federal Ombudsman Pakistan and President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi administered oath to Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi as Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan on December 27, 2021. He has vast experience of working in both Provincial and Federal Government. He has served as Chief Secretary Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He held positions of Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner, Provincial Secretary of a number of departments and Federal Secretary Environment and Railways.
Current Wafaqi Mohtasib Pakistan Ijaz Ahmad Qureshi
Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi Federal Ombudsman
has a Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Punjab and one in Public Policy and Planning from Pennsylvania State University, USA. He joined Civil Service of Pakistan in 1972 through competitive examination. He was an officer of Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS).
List of Ex Wafaqi Mohtasib for Pakistan