District Kohat Population 2025
According to latest census of Pakistan 2023 population of Kohat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Full report of Kohat district population of digital census 2023.Complete detail of Kohat population facts and figure. Current population of Kohat district of Pakistan all detail of census. According to census 2023 total population of District Kohat is 1234661. In Total population males are 629566, female are 605066 and Shemale / Transgender are 43. Average annual growth rate is 1.78 from 2017 to 2023.
Detail Population of District Kohat Census 2023
Rural |
Urban |
Total |
Population |
955920 |
278741 |
1234661 |
Male |
484870 |
144696 |
629566 |
Female |
471041 |
134025 |
605066 |
Transgender |
9 |
20 |
29 |
Household |
-- |
-- |
169734 |
All facts and figure of population of Kohat latest census of 2023 Pakistan. District complete list of male, female and shemale population of Kohat and complete information about household, married, un married, age wise, literacy rate population (15 years and above) by marital status, un-employment rates, labour force participation rate, population by mother tongue / language, population by religion, educated population by level of education, literacy ratio by sex, population by selective age group, area, population, density and urban/rural, population density, growth rate, age dependency ratio, disabled population, housing units by number of rooms and type. District Kohat all tehsil, Union Council and city population. Total Population includes all persons residing in the Kohat including Afghans & other Aliens residing with the local population.