KPK Population District Wise

Total Population of KPK is 40856097. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa district and city wise population. Here we are providing you information about Population of every district of KPK. Population wise detail of all districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Name of all districts with their Population. Complete information about Population of every zilla of KPK. The Population mentioned in table below is full district. Peshawar is the biggest district of KPK by Population and Upper Chitral is the smallest district of KPK by Population. Here we are providing list of Population of all districts from largest to smallest 2024 Information.

All Districts City Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  District Population
01. Peshawar 4758762
02. Mardan 2744898
03 Swat 2687384
04. Swabi 1894600
05. Charsadda 1835504
06. Dera Ismail Khan 1829811
07. Mansehra 1797177
08. Nowshera 1740705
09. Lower Dir 1650183
10. Abbottabad 1419072
11. Bannu 1357890
12. Kohat 1234661
13. Bajaur 1287960
14. Haripur 1174783
15. Khyber 1146267
16. Upper Dir 1083566
17. Lakki Marwat 1040856
18. Buner 1016869
19. Shangla 891252
20. South Waziristan 888675
21. Malakand 826250
22. Karak 815878
23. Kurram 785434
24. North Waziristan 693332
25. Batagram 554133
26. Mohmand 553933
27. Hangu 528902
28. Tank 470293
29. Upper Kohistan 422947
30. Orakzai 387561
31. Lower Kohistan 340017
32. Lower Chitral 320407
33. Kolai Palas 280162
34. Torghar 200445
35. Upper Chitral 195528

Population of Districts in KPK

Population wise Peshawar is the largest district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Upper Chitral is the the smallest district of KPK by Population. List of all district of KPK biggest to smallest is Peshawar, Mardan, Swat, Swabi, Charsadda, Dera Ismail Khan, Mansehra, Nowshera, Lower Dir, Abbottabad, Bannu, Kohat, Bajaur, Haripur, Khyber, Upper Dir, Lakki Marwat, Buner, Shangla, South Waziristan, Malakand, Karak, Kurram, North Waziristan, Batagram, Mohmand, Hangu, Tank, Upper Kohistan, Orakzai, Lower Kohistan, Lower Chitral, Kolai Palas, Torghar and Upper Chitral.